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Wednesday February 12th 2025

Ministry News

August 2015 [1] September 2015 [3] October 2015 [1]
Our Sponsors:

Wednesday October 21st 2015 at 11:13 am

Since June 2015 we have put a huge amount of effort into updating the softwaare which runs our server.  We have installed a number of security software updates.  There has been much preparation for the release of PHP 7 and Zend Framework 3.  For those who don't know PHP and Zend Framework are computer programs that prepare the web sites for you to see.  With all the various software updates performed during the past four months our server is running around six times faster.

The effort to increase the speed of the server is in preparation for having a member area on The Verse of the Day web site.  As well I want to begin having a Podcast to share God's love.

As I've asked many times before please continue to pray for this effort and the physiotherapy I am enduring to manage my physical disability.

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